Sunday, March 26, 2023

Ruminations of a Rookie Herbalist

I haven’t always been a nerd, but I married one. My husband is incredibly smart. He is curious about many things (most of which I am not). While he was growing up, his mom and dad looked stuff up in their encyclopedias, text books, and other reference materials ALL the time. Watching Jeopardy with them was an amazing thing! It is in this family that I learned to love learning.

My latest interest has been in herbal medicine. I have been interested in herbs and essential oils for a while, but I recently discovered an opportunity to take a beginner herbal medicine course. I am really excited about it. It is one weekend a month for 10 months, and I have attended 1 so far. And I am overwhelmed and asking myself if I am smart enough for this. Seriously. There is so much to know! But it’s fun, so I will be pressing on. When I finish, there will be much I will still not know. Here’s a small sampling of what I am learning: when selecting an herb, you must know what part of the plant to use (flower, leaves, roots, etc.), what part of the plant life cycle to harvest it, how to harvest it responsibly, and what chemicals within the plant are useful. Knowing the scientific names is essential to choosing the correct plant, and that is a whole learning curve. You have to know your victim, I mean patient, too. Do they run hot, cold, wet, dry…and lots of other questions. Then there is a whole list to know of possible actions that plant might have along with other plants that complement or don’t. And so many ways to use plants – tablets, caplets, ointments, lozenges, tinctures, infusions, decoctions…and how to make them. There is much more! But I love it!

Now let’s turn to a complementary resource – an anatomy and physiology book. My husband still has his from over 40 years ago. After I read the first chapter I exclaimed, “I really am fearfully and wonderfully made!” And that was just the first chapter! People who write these books cannot seem to stay away from the word “created.”

I am in awe of the intricacy of the plants I am studying and how they can be used or misused. To use these herbs on the complex human body with competence is daunting. Only God Himself, the Creator, can fully know how these chemicals will impact a particular individual.

I sincerely feel sorry for the people who are dissatisfied with how they were created – those who feel they were born the wrong gender, the wrong race, the wrong size or shape. Our bodies are amazing! Our minds and spirits are incredible! Made in the image of God. Wow.

 joyce hague

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