Sunday, April 2, 2023

Why Stop?


I Peter 4:10 - “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”


We are blessed to live beside 730-acre Sharon Woods Park. On the way to our walk there, we pass a “Free Library.” You might know those...boxes on a pole with books to take and read, keep and put another in its place, pass it on to someone else. On my walk the other day, I looked for a book. When I picked this one up, I found that it was recommended by a local pastor so I thought, “Ah - ha! A Christian book!”

Amazing! A story of a young man who graduated from high school the same year as my grandson and had actually played basketball against Nathan’s team. Ryan Atkins was on the honors’ path at University of Cincinnati when God changed his whole life with a terrible accident. Ryan became a quadriplegic as a junior in college, November, 2009. This book is a MUST read. I just cannot get away from the struggles and the victories this young man has faced and the impact he is having...the kind he never dreamed he would have.

Brant and I were privileged to visit Ryan and his wife Stephanie a few days ago. All his writing has to be done by dictation. One of his main realities he has faced is “With eternal perspective, everything changes.” After huge struggles that are often present now, Ryan has learned he can still be used of the Lord. He has finished his degree in finance and is working with clients AND he has had a huge impact on teen-aged boys who did not seem concerned they had to feed him pizza if they could just hang out and watch basketball!

Of course, he has faced Christians who have asked what he did to deserve this from the Lord. Also, those who insist they know when he will be healed. He writes: “Quality of life does not have to depend on physical capabilities (P. 245).” andForces beyond our control can strip us of everything except our freedom to decide how we will respond (P. 227).” Wow!  That takes grace every day for Ryan and Stephanie.

During the time I was reading this book (which I could hardly put down!), I heard a commercial on TV about a woman who had retired from nursing but is now doing volunteer work and she asked:


One of my husband’s favorite quotes is from Henry Drummond, a Scottish evangelist during the 1800’s:

“Therefore, keep in the midst of life. Do not isolate yourself. Be among men and things, and among troubles, and difficulties, and obstacles.”  

My question - How else are we going to make a difference if we do not realize “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works...” (Ephesians 2:10a)? There really are no excuses in these verses to “stop” looking for those who need our help and influence. So...why stop?

 --Maylou Holladay

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