Sunday, July 8, 2018

Lessons From the Blueberry Farm

There is something I REALLY like to do every summer. I like to visit the BLUEBERRY FARM in Lafayette, GA. My husband Brant likes to pick but I need to weigh him before we leave. J
1. At the blueberry farm, I am reminded that BLESSINGS FROM GOD ARE THERE FOR THE PICKING. Sometimes picking berries is very hot and hard…then God sends a wonderful breeze or He gives me a tree that has berries hidden under the shade.
 Look around - family, friends, creation, God's Word, music... I Timothy 6:17 says “God gives us RICHLY all things to enjoy.”  Many times the tiny berries are very sweet surprises, but we might have to look for them. That is life very often!

2. At the blueberry patch, I have learned that OTHERS HAVE PREPARED THE WAY FOR ME. Someone planted bushes…maybe even birds helpedJ. The owners have provided a bucket to put on my belt, water, a clean outdoor “facility,” clear paths to get to the “trees.”   
BE ENCOURAGERS...  The word “ENCOURAGE” means to “give support, confidence or hope to someone.”  
Paul said in Philemon 1:7, that “the saints were REFRESHED” by Philemon. How wonderful to have your name in the Bible, which was inspired by the Holy Spirit, that you had refreshed others!! You can be someone’s CEO - CHIEF ENCOURAGING OFFICER.
Life's problems go down a bit better with the "blueberries with milk and sugar" of encouragement.  
3. At the blueberry farm, I have learned THAT CIRCUMSTANCES WILL TRY TO KEEP ME AWAY FROM PICKING BERRIES. We must watch for circumstances that would keep us from our goals. Sometimes bees, mosquitoes, even a busy schedule will try to deter a berry picker. Also SOMETIMES THE BEST BERRIES ARE HIDDEN A BIT.  We rush to our Bibles on a busy morning and "pick the berries right up front" so to speak...familiar verses... but we also need to have times of really digging into God's Word  Lack of self-discipline and organization will keep us from being the people we should be in our spiritual lives, our homes, and jobs. We must FOCUS on what is important. Hebrews 12 is very familiar: “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus,”
4.  I can share the fruit with others – fresh or preserved,
Some berries I share with people who would never go picking. Some I like to give just because I love them and want them to enjoy the berries. OH THE SWEETNESS of pulling out those berries a few a day and putting them on a bowl of cereal, or using frozen berries for waffles!
This reminds me of meditations written in my journal so I will remember later...
Like meditating on a blessing God has given me before,
Or a phrase from my devotions that helps me and I can share with another...
Or writing a note to encourage a friend...emails, texts, messaging...all good...BUT NOTHING like a proper card in the mail.
 Or setting aside time to take care of a need, or giving a witness to someone I have befriended.
Blueberries...those little, round blue things...I hope they remind you of God’s blessings and encourage you to share those gifts from God with others today!
--Maylou Holladay

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