Sunday, July 1, 2018

Glorious Pomegranates!

Is your favorite portion of Scripture where God gives Moses instructions for building the Tabernacle and designing the priests' garments? I bet it’s not. I force myself to read that tedious stretch of Scripture. But yet, God gave it to us for a reason, right? I’m sure there is much symbolism found in the specifics, but today I focus on pomegranates. God told Moses to have pomegranates stitched to the trim of the priests’ garments. You may also remember that when the spies scoped out the land, they returned with a single cluster of grapes that took two men to carry and samples of figs and pomegranates. Later, God would decorate His Temple with pomegranates. They are mentioned several times in Song of Solomon – luscious and inviting. In the book of Joel, with God's judgement, they dry up along with the grapes, figs, and the people’s joy.

Intriqued by these references to pomegranates, I researched the health benefits of eating them. They help the cardiovascular system which impacts the heart and blood pressure. They improve memory and reduce inflammation and fight cancer; they’re rich in anti-oxidants. In the Bible, pomegranates seem to symbolize health, well-being, and bounty (Shalom). After learning these things, I bought some pomegranate powder and add it to my Greek yogurt and smoothies. I want a little Shalom in my life, don’t you?

“Thank You, Lord, for the hidden treasures within your Word. I appreciate Your desire to give us good things. May we never take it for granted.”

joyce hague

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