Sunday, February 16, 2025

Notes on a Business Meeting


On January 26 of this year, members of Grace Baptist Church met for a business meeting. At first, though, it felt more like a family reunion. Pots of chili on a long table were accompanied by bags of chips, bowls of sour cream, and piles of cheese. Then there were the fabulous desserts. (I tried two of the chilis—both delicious—and had nibbles of maybe three desserts, but who’s counting?[I’d love the recipe for that chili that included sweet potatoes, if anyone knows who made it.])

Standing in line for food, I got an opportunity to chat with several other members, and it was delightful to just be together in a safe, happy place. As I sat at the table enjoying excellent food, the screen before me displayed images of the year past: children in Sunday School smiling into the camera; the team in the sound box working their magic; nursery babies being loved during the service; various church members at a picnic; piles of chips, desserts lined up on a table; the AWANA Grand Prix with all its drama and excitement. Again, the event had the feel of a family reunion with the message “Look at all the fun we had last year!”

What really moved me, though, were the comments made by people giving their reports. I am a note-taker; it helps me pay attention. At some point I decided to write down a few comments to remember and reflect on. I do not have all the quotations word for word, but I am satisfied I captured the tone and intent of each speaker.

Paul Snyder, giving the report from the missions committee, talked about our “ongoing commitment to spreading the gospel and providing comfort around the world.” Isn’t this goal indicative of the heart of God, the command of Jesus when he left the disciples on that hill outside Jerusalem? Paul urged us to consider increasing our missions giving in order to reach more people. This goal is something to pray for and act on this year.

When Sandy gave her report on the children’s ministries, she said, “What great kids we have!” We are indeed blessed to have Sandy Gromacki and Jennifer Greve looking out for our little ones. They talked about helping children develop a personal relationship with God in order to “serve now—all around town in their own communities and schools.” As always, there is a need for more people to help with children’s ministries. Wouldn’t you love to be part of that effort?

Steve Gillmore took a few minutes to reveal his great love for our teens and his excitement at getting new students in the youth group. He spoke for many when he paused to remember the loss of Ryder Bigelow this last summer, but he rejoiced in that young man’s involvement in the Alaska Mission trip last June. Plans are in the works for more trips this coming summer. These are efforts we can pray for and help with our giving.

Fred Holcombe gave us a review of last year’s programs and a preview of more good things to come, including the Ministry Fair we all enjoyed last week. He encouraged all GBC members to “get involved,” and Kelly O’Rear talked about welcoming new members to “join the mission” of Grace. Kelly further emphasized “our calling to care for each other’s souls.” Yensi Pimental offered an excellent vision of the work of our Hispanic Ministry. He said, “I’m so grateful to this ministry” for “faithful people helping . . . equipping people to share their faith.” Pastor Love made the comment “I want to be a voice of hope." In his remarks on the budget, Mike Swanson noted, “We’ve got a fantastic staff.” He went on to say, “We have an extremely generous congregation.” Can you feel the love?

I want to posit the idea that all these lovely comments are due to our fantastic and generous God who brought us together to do his work in our area. Someone once claimed that he could tell what you love by looking at your checkbook. Not a lot of people use checks these days, but the point is clear. We spend money on what is important to us. I’d like to suggest that viewing our calendars could also offer insight to our priorities. My friends, where are we spending our resources? Are we pleasing God?

I am so thankful to have a church such as we have with people who love God and their neighbors. I am asking God how he wants me to serve. I trust you are doing the same.

--Sherry Poff

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