Sunday, March 18, 2018

A Meditation on Trees

Psalm 1: 3 states: “And he (the blessed man) shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”


As I am typing, out our front window I can see the gorgeous blooms on our Cleveland Pear and Autumnalis Cherry that we planted a few years ago. God could have designed trees so that they would all resemble telephone I used to remind my children when they were little. But He wanted us to enjoy them...even use them.

Probably all of us have read this Psalm many, many times. In my devotions, I have been meditating on it word by word. We will just talk about verse 3.

“TREE” - The very word brings the idea of longevity, beauty, usefulness, shade from the heat or rain, protection or shelter, privacy, wood for heat or building, fruit for food. Wow! All from a tree!

A tree can also be steadfast through storms and drought...why?

It is “PLANTED.”  Being planted properly is necessary for growth. A tree almost always is planted on purpose as a seedling. This planting is very important...

“BY RIVERS OF WATER” - This implies fresh water. Even in times of severe drought, the tree will have already been growing from the nourishment it has been receiving.

“BRINGS FORTH FRUIT IN SEASON” - This is an ADAMANT statement.  If the tree has received the proper planting and fresh water, fruit will come. This might be edible fruit or just beautiful leaves that bring joy to the observer.

“LEAF WILL NOT WITHER...HE WILL PROSPER” - Hmmm! “Not wither”... Green, fruitful, beautiful...”pro” in “prosper” implies looking forward. The tree has a long future of beauty and usefulness if it stays nourished.

Of course, you can see the analogy! Are we beautiful trees growing steadfast and bearing fruit and blessing others with our lives? We must be “planted” firmly in the Word of God so we can receive nourishment. Then others will see our beauty, usefulness, fruit, vitality, and even steadfastness during times of drought and storms.

God’s Word can also help us to grow with fresh ideas and challenges, like shiny, healthy green leaves on a tree, to make us more useful for Him. The marvelous part of reading God’s Word is that the Author is present with us and can enlighten us as we read...if we only ask! season...Perhaps this will encourage you today. We will have periods in our lives when we are more fruitful than others. We have to be careful with fruit. Some folks might be “allergic” to our “fruit” if we are overly zealous. On the other hand, if we don’t use the fruit (gifts and abilities and qualities) God gives us, it might “spoil” or be wasted when there is a place for all of us to serve. Team work is when we “mix our fruits” together for the Lord and othersJ.

Prosper - I must be looking “forward.” A Christian should “ live in the now” but also flourish and thrive to have a “leaf that does not wither” no matter the season of life.

Make sure you are getting your daily nourishment so you will be a “tree” that is green, fruitful, and beautiful.

--Maylou Holladay

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