Sunday, July 21, 2024

What VBS Showed Me Once Again


This past week, there were multiple evenings in which I would look across the church auditorium and walk the building’s halls and see into its rooms in amazement. I wish you could have seen what I did. (Some of you probably did.) It was VBS week so, of course, there were a lot of kids. But beyond the large number of kids who attended (over 100), there were so many volunteers -- all necessary, all playing a part to make this week a success. I really think there is no ministry that our church does that shows off the variety of willing volunteer servants in our church like VBS does. Let me try to paint the picture in words.

               In the auditorium during the “all-together time,” I saw middle-school and high-school kids getting the younger kids excited and making them feel welcome. I noticed that there were college kids who were giving up this time during their summer break to serve the church even though they’ll move back away in the fall. I saw both single and married adults serving, ranging in ages from their 20s to perhaps their 70s or 80s. There were moms serving who had already spent all day at home with their own little ones; there were dads volunteering who had barely gotten off work for the day and yet still managed to show joy in being there. I saw grandmothers and grandfathers with all their experience of raising children, who could well say that they’ve “done their time” in children’s ministry, yet here they were again – another year. There were several workers from our Hispanic church serving alongside the rest. Some volunteers have been at our church for decades, others for less than a year. And here they all were, working side by side for the faith of the gospel (Phil. 1:27), the gospel that would be communicated to these kids.

               There were so many ways that these church members were serving: Some helped parents check kids in with our computer and sticker system. Many of the volunteers were assigned to one of the four different age groups as they helped with crowd control and individual kids’ needs. Each group had a leader and a Bible teacher as well. There were those who served by preparing snacks, from bagging individual serving sizes of popcorn to putting grapes on skewers. Some planned and helped with game times, others with crafts. One lady led the singing and helped teach the memory verse; several were running the song videos and sound, and a few took parts in skits. We even had a church member who is a nurse available if needed.

               And here’s what I can’t get over: How beautiful is the body of Christ that serves together! What a picture of God’s people, concerned about reaching the next generation with the truth, sacrificing their time and energy with joy (!) for children to have a fun and safe place to learn about God’s love for them and the salvation that Christ provides.

               I understand that many of our church members had other things going on this week or weren’t there for any number of other reasons. This is in no way meant to shame anyone. But I do want you to be caught up with me in the joy of brothers and sisters in Christ of various backgrounds and ages serving together. VBS is not the only place to serve; there are many opportunities. To the many of you who serve in various areas of the church: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Your effort and service is not in vain in the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58). Keep it up. To those who maybe have not gotten involved in serving yet: There are so many opportunities. Where can you help? What gifts has God given you? We need you. You too are vital to the flourishing of our body. May we continue to show forth the beauty of Christ and His design for the church as we serve Him together and seek to further His Kingdom.

--Amy O'Rear

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