Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Crying Out


Some days are ordinary days. We forget about the fallen world we live in. We make socially acceptable sins. We forget our need for our God and begin to slip into the lie that we are doing just fine. We don’t see that we know so little and need so much until…

 The circumstance hits in which we have no control. The grief and separation, searing loss and searing pain. We cry out, “how long, oh Lord.” We beg the question, “Why, oh God.” Our brains scramble for the answer that we do not know.

 We remember that our God intimately knows grief on a human level. And we need Him to. He knows that. Because we can’t carry what sin has done to the world and our hearts on our own. We crumble under the weight of it all. He carries that weight - before, now and always.

 It turns into anger as our fists beat against our hearts. There are so many things that make no sense. Oh the ache of death, of loss, of broken relationships, of hurtful words, of struggling bodies.

 “I cry out to you Lord for help. I cry out, God, please hear me. When I’m in distress I seek you, Lord” (Based on Ps. 77)

 “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” (Ps 34:19)

 My God, help me when the grief turns to fear, mistrust, closed fists. Help me to believe that You are good. There is hope. There is salvation. Sometimes I say the words and I need you to make them true to my heart.

 I do know this: we are not alone. You are not alone.

Lord I need you, Oh I need you.

Every hour I need you.

My one defense, my righteousness.

My God, how I need you.

--Sandy Gromacki

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written and so “right on.”
