Monday, June 3, 2024

Casting Away Our Cares

 If you were asked to quote, I Peter 5:7 I’m sure most of you could quickly spout off,

“casting all your care upon him for he careth for you.” This is a verse we’ve all probably

learned since we were young.

We all experience times of anxiety or concern in our lives. Whether it be for a

loved one struggling with illness, poor decisions, financial concerns, etc., the question

can be asked, “How do we deal with it?” Do we attempt to solve the problem on our

own? Do we share our concerns with those closest to us? Do we take it to the Lord?

The word “cast” in the Greek is a very decisive, energetic action word. It could be

described as a fisherman casting out his line into the waters. Peter is telling us that we

need to take our anxieties, cares, problems and literally throw them or hurl them to the

Lord. Let them go!

This action, though, requires something else on our part. If you notice verse 7, it

is only part of the sentence. There are two words that begin this sentence in verse 6,

which require another action on our part. “Humble yourselves”! Verses 6 and 7 need to

be quoted together to realize the true message that Peter is presenting. I know in my

own life, I have often said that in anxious moments I try to give it to God because I know

He is in control, BUT, I’m still holding on to a little thread and not giving it completely to

Him. Why? Because pride won’t allow me to let go. How often have we heard the

phrase, “Let go and let God!”

Notice also the words, “at the proper time." God’s timing is always best. We may

want solutions to our problems now, but God’s timing will always be the best timing. We

just need to let God work all things out for His glory, not ours.

I love what Alistair Begg says in his devotional Truth for Life, “To do this requires

us to give up our pride—our desire to control and triumph over circumstances. Being

humble is what enables us to give our worries to God: humility’s presence leads to

anxiety’s absence.” That thought needs to be on a wall plaque in my house. We need

to daily realize that God always knows what is best in every situation and if we just let

Him work everything to His glory (not ours), our lives would be so much more peaceful.

So, remember the words of the old hymn “All Your Anxieties”:

All your anxieties,

All your cares,

Bring to the mercy seat,

Leave it there.

Never a burden

He cannot bear.

Never a friend like Jesus!

--Bonnie King

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