Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Encourager

ISAIAH 41: 6:  They helped everyone his neighbor; and everyone said to his brother, “Be of good courage.”


My nephew Jonathan Miles recently ran 100 MILES in the Red Dirt Ultra in Louisiana. No resting except 10 minutes at different intervals. His wife Tamara kept the time and encouraged him back to the grueling track. His time was 27:16:41...and he is a brand new grandpa!


One of the amazing parts of Jonathan’s story is that for the last few miles he had “an encourager” who joined him on the track, running right near him to keep him focused on the finish line. I am sure that end seemed very far away when he became so weary, but his encourager was invaluable. What a thrill to finish such a challenge!


I also “ran” a couple of 5-K’s to raise money for Grace Baptist Academy. My first one my encourager was Michelle Sledge. She kept reminding me to keep going so we could “have dessert.” I did think I might die before I could cross the finish line. But that first 5-K I raised over a thousand dollars for GBA. Now...the next year, no Michelle, and part of my “race” was a walk. But what a difference “AN ENCOURAGER” makes in any race when a person might be tempted to drop out. I did finish both ...the first was the best.


The verses in Isaiah 41 list several different craftsmen and how they basically told each other: “Good job. Keep it up.” There didn’t seem to be jealousy because one person was a goldsmith and yet another used a common hammer.

That can be the case in our spiritual lives also. We all have different gifts but need encouragement to use each one, even some that seem so “common” in the home or church. There might be a person who needs a Michelle Sledge for encouragement to cross the finish line to accomplish her/his goal, or just “to stay in the race” of the Christian life. 


Many times when Brant was European Director for BIMI and we visited our missionaries in difficult places, he told them: “We are on your side.” I love that idea. It works with children who might be struggling with a hard decision or grandchildren starting out in life. Or it might be a friend or co-worker who needs a bit of encouragement. There are PEOPLE ALL AROUND US who need a good word or a hug or a smile. Lift up your head as you enter a room or a store or your office or church or your outwardly focused and not self-centered.


Brant just read this to me this week from John Wesley:

Do all the good you can, By all the means you can,

In all the ways you can, In all the places you can,

At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can!

ENCOURAGE SOMEONE TODAY! Make this your daily life pattern.

    --Maylou Holladay

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