Sunday, July 19, 2020


Serendipity: Finding or experiencing pleasing things that one had not been expecting. A pleasant surprise.


Isaiah 55:8-9 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

 In a way, this verse hints at serendipity. God, in His wonderful and loving thoughts, surprises us so many times in our lives. All of us can count those times. I had a moment like that just recently.

 Years ago when my husband Bob (who is with the Lord)  was pastor in Indiana and I a school teacher, our dear friends Ken and Elaine left the pastorate to go to Kenya as missionaries. While there she contracted malaria. They did not know at the time that God had placed a research doctor in their area who was from America - researching cures for malaria! They did finally have to return to the USA...she was so ill.

 The other night in this year of 202o. I was looking in an old Bible cover. There was a letter from Elaine, written from Kenya, shortly after her diagnosis of malaria. THE LETTER WAS TYPED ON THE BACK OF THIS POEM BY JESSIE! The year was 1991!!!

 As I read Elaine’s letter and then turned it over and read Jessie’s poem, written so long ago, it dawned on me - Elaine has no idea that Jessie is my dear friend and has encouraged me so much just as Jessie’s poem had comforted this dear missionary far away in Kenya. Here is her poem that almost 20 years ago touched my friend who was ill way over in Kenya. After reading it, I couldn’t get away from the fact how many of us can say “I am waiting, Lord.” Oh, how hard to wait! Jessie gave me permission to share.



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