Sunday, February 16, 2020

It's the Little Things

I never tire of the winter sky. The truth of this statement takes me by surprise because I really am not a fan of cold weather. But there’s something about bare tree branches outlined dark against the gentle blue and gray of a winter afternoon that is so very lovely to me. Thus I am reminded to find the beauty in every situation.

In a recent Wednesday evening Bible study, Amy O’Rear asked us how we stay focused on truth when there is so much trouble in the world. There were various answers:

“Turn on uplifting music.”

“Find friends to pray with.”

“Just keep showing up even if you don’t feel like it.”

We had many good ideas to discuss and ponder as we left the room that evening. But another idea kept coming to my mind: Allow yourself to enjoy life. The book of Ecclesiastes includes many passages that talk about rejoicing in the work God has given us and enjoying the reward of our labors. (See 5:18-20 among others.) The New Testament teaches us that God “gives us richly all things to enjoy” (I Timothy 6:17). I am not pushing the near-heretical notion that “God wants me to be happy.” There are too many scriptures about denying the flesh and practicing self-discipline for me to think this is His highest goal for me.

But in following the example of Jesus himself, I see that he attended a wedding, enjoyed dinner with friends, noticed the beauty of flowers and birds, and took time to hold children on his lap. These are ordinary, everyday pleasures that come with living in the lovely world God made.

So when I’m caring for a sick family member, I can allow myself to enjoy a fragrant cup of tea; standing at the cemetery around an open grave, I can smile at a little girl digging quietly in the dirt; and in the middle of a busy work day, I can pause for a moment at the window and thank God for the beauty of the sky.

And it is so beautiful!

--Sherry Poff

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