Sunday, January 28, 2018

In Tune With God

2018. A new year and new chapter with crisp blank pages on which to write a composition of lessons and memories.  I love new beginnings so much that I tend to jump on all the bandwagons... #alltheresolutions :) My life can get a little loud then with all the goals and lists.  I thought and prayed asking the Lord to make clear a word to set my intention for this year.   I thought through a lot of words before I settled on the phrase "Tune My Heart." The phrase is found in one of my favorites hymns, Come Thou Fount. 

Come Thou Fount of every blessing,

Tune my heart to sing thy grace.

Streams of mercy never ceasing 

Call for songs of loudest praise.

Teach me some melodious sonnet 

Sung by flaming tongues above. 

Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it, 

Mount of thy redeeming love. 

It fit my prayer for 2018 that the Lord would "Tune My Heart" to His voice. That I would listen closely to the sound of His song for my life. It fit my professional goal to continue to develop my musicianship and pedagogical skills for my choirs. It fit my personal goal that I would be "in tune" with the rhythm of my family. I would appreciate your prayers for this year that the Lord would tune my heart daily.

To tune, you have to listen closely to match your instrument to the pitch being played by a lone oboe in the middle of the orchestra. Tuning happens at the beginning of a concert as people are settling into their seats, and as every instrument tunes simultaneously, the orchestra swells in a cacophony of noise as each instrument plays arpeggios and scales that only cease when the concert master stands and the conductor walks onto the stage.  It is my prayer my words, thoughts, and actions are in tune with the Conductor so the composition of my life plays in tune with His Word. 

--Gabrielle Haston

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