Monday, May 21, 2012


I have termites!  Not on my person, but in the wall of my house.  Although we had not encountered any, for some reason, probably the Lord, my son kept urging me to get an inspection.  So I did, and to my horror, the little beasts had made their home in the front wall of my house.  To think of the scarring that could have occurred to children and neighbors alike had the wall of my house fallen to the ground exposing me in my nighty watching Andy Griffith!!!   I cried!

A couple of days later I found myself behind the crusty bumper of my daughter’s older-than-Adam vehicle, bucking and hissing as we pushed it off of the highway into a parking lot.  (Yes, the whole of Hixson saw me bending over that bumper, and it wasn’t pretty). But we did it, I called the tow truck…and I cried!

“I need my husband”, I whined to a friend.  “The Lord will be your husband now,” she said.  And after a dirty look in her direction, it dawned on me suddenly, that the verse that I had always felt was a little odd, had become so very real in my life.  Every problem I had encountered, those I’ve mentioned and several I didn’t, had been taken care of with considerably little effort.  “Father to the fatherless, defender of widows, this is God…” Psalm 68:5.  Through the normal trials of everyday life -  the mower, the broken down cars, the bills and the beasts, He cares and had provided a way to help me take care of them.  He had placed just the right people in front of me for help.

And, to my delight, last weekend, the Lord and I changed the blade on my lawn mower… and I rejoiced!  I must confess that I still need a little practice on “bolt tightening” ….the blade was hurled into the air at the start of the mower and although a mangy looking squirrel had a close call, no-one was injured.   

How comforting to have my Maker as my husband, and the Lord Almighty is His name. (Isaiah 54:5). And I believe it!

~Joy Dilts


  1. So good to read about how the Lord is helping you! You are loved by all and your God-given humor always brings smiles to my face. Please know that we are praying for you and the whole family. Mary Ramsey

  2. We were just told that we have termites in our mulch.... I was talking to the Lord this morning about these kinds of unexpected adventures that I had not asked for. He reminded me that all of this is in His hands;) thanks for your encouragement, Joy! -- Jo Beth Loftis

  3. Because May is a craaazy month in the lives of teachers, I just got around to reading this piece this morning. (I notice Mary did the same.) Thank you for the wonderful application of scripture. It's true that so many things just don't make sense to us until we need them. I love the image of the mower blade flying off! Thanks again for being willing to share.

    1. ok. I was wrong. Mary read it right on time last week. Duh. I struggle a bit at the end of May . . .
