Sunday, June 30, 2024

Step By Step

In recent days I have been thinking, no, fretting about certain decisions and events that concern me for the future. I have worried about things that might happen, not even “sure things”. A poem had crossed my memory and I knew I needed to make sure I had it in the front of my mind. The poem is “Step by Step” by Barbara C. Ryberg. While I thought about this poem a step came that I was not expecting. My dear Aunt Joy slipped into glory. I had expected her husband to slip away as his cancer progressed. But I wasn't ready to let go of Joy. But my dear Lord Jesus knew what was coming and allowed it. And I can see now that His way is best. So I am going to refresh my memory and my heart.


By Barbara C. Ryberg

He does not lead me year by year

Nor even day by day.

But step by step my path unfolds;

My Lord directs my way.

Tomorrow’s plans I do not know,

I only know this minute;

But he will say, “This is the way,

By faith now walk ye in it.’

And I am glad it is so.

Today’s enough to bear;

And when tomorrow comes, His grace

Shall far exceed its care.

What need to worry then, or fret?

The God who gave His Son

Holds all my moments in His hand

And gives them, one by one.

Do I still have questions about the future? Yes, I do. But I am going to accept each day, each step of the way, from the one who know the future.

~~Faith Himes Lamb

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