Sunday, July 10, 2022

How to be a Model

 Did you know that there are many types of models? Body part models (hand, feet, teeth, etc.), catalogue models, child models, senior models, swimwear models, and the list goes on. They inspire us by providing a visual of desirable possibilities, preferably in a way that makes the sponsor a lot of money. Because we find certain people attractive or see them benefitting in a way we want for ourselves, we are drawn to buying products that make it possible or we emulate the model in some way. 

Never underestimate the power of modeling. Models provide an object lesson that sticks. The object lesson grows stronger if a person uses words while modeling, but indirect words might be received better. For example, I sometimes leave my exercise bench and weights in plain view if I know my grandchildren will be visiting. I casually mention that I have been working out so my muscles will grow strong enough for me to play on the playground. As I eat my vegetables, I tell my grandbabies how much I love these foods and how they keep me from getting sick. It is an indirect way of teaching but very powerful. It’s fun when you hear a child explaining to someone else a concept you have been trying to teach them. Then you know learning has taken place!

We all follow models that seem to be taking a path to where we want to go. But sometimes I forget to ask why I want to go there. I need to consider if that destination pleases the Lord. If the answer is yes, then it makes sense for me to spend time with those I want to emulate, asking them questions. Learning, but always evaluating. There might be unintended consequences of following a person’s lead.

On the flipside, what example am I setting for others? Is it edifying? Will others benefit from my example? How? Am I modeling something beautiful and good? It’s helpful to be intentional in what I want to teach. Otherwise an opportunity might be lost. Sharing an inspirational story can be helpful. Being a stronger influence comes from being in a strong relationship with another. That requires time, commitment, and a sincere interest in others.

Of course, Jesus is the ultimate model. Humble, lovingly sacrificial, submissive to God’s will, Spirit-led, compassionate, unselfish, righteous, wise, unwavering, resolute, and much more. He is strong in prayer and fasting. And the cross is the greatest visual of God’s love for us! Now that’s powerful modeling!

joyce hague

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