Sunday, January 9, 2022

Heaven's Music

Author's Note: Though this post has been ready for awhile to share on Cup of Grace, it is special to me to post it today, because I learned this week that my high school piano teacher just joined Heaven's Music. Thank you, Mrs. Pearl Jeffers, for living His song to so many of us. -MaryBeth Hall 

When I was in high school band on the Texas panhandle, there was a recurrent mental daydream in which I engaged. Taking the melody a well-loved hymn, my mind would arrange it with whatever instrument combinations I thought best suited the lyrics, as though I were in heaven with limitless possibilities. I especially liked regal arrangements, such as having dozens of trumpets play introductory fanfare to a medley of “Crown Him with Many Crowns” and “O Worship the King.” Thousands of Christians would be singing with all their hearts to their Lord. Surely nothing could be greater than worshipping our Creator and Redeemer face to face! May He hasten the day…


Heaven’s Music

And they sang a new song, saying: ‘You are worthy…’” (Rev. 5:9)


Hush! If you listen, you may hear

Strains of music without peer.

Heaven’s musicians in grand crescendo

Bring praise to the God Whose name I know.

My soul hears what my ears one day will;

Though faint, it’s enough to make my heart thrill

With joy, that one day I’ll play with them there,

Worshipping holy Trinity beyond compare.



As thunder rolling, tympanis vibrate

In praise of Majesty Who did all create.

Trumpets the royal fanfare proclaim,

Honoring the King: worthy is His name!

Woodwinds in minor key highlight redemption’s cost,

When the I AM left His throne to die for the lost.

Then harps’ flowing arpeggios, as a brook rippling over rocks,

Lift our souls and hands as we joy – out of the tomb He walks!



From selah’s contemplation to triple forte’s jubilation,

Who He is and all His acts will fill our adoration!

From guitars to violins, stringed instruments weave the story

Of all our testimonies: how He led us for His glory.

Pipe organs and pianos, instruments from every land

Combine with heaven’s new ones in that “Hallelujah Band.”

And those who’ve gone before us have taken now their chairs;

O, may He come tonight, and bring us Home to join them there!



The Spirit our Conductor tunes our hearts yet even now,

For soon the Father’s signal will the Son’s rapture allow.

Then in the chorus of the ages I will join to sing,

With all we are in awe of Him Who is our Everything!

Unlimited orchestration, choir members without count -

Arrangements of the heart poured at the feet of blessing’s Fount.

And the concert ne’er will end in the great eternal Day,

For the Giver of our lives will watch and smile as we play.


Yes, the Giver of our lives will watch and smile as we play.


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