Sunday, June 6, 2021

Barnabas 2021

 A few years ago, I did a study on
A few years ago, I did a study on Barnabas because of the book THE BARNABAS WAY (John Sloan, Waterbrook Press.) It is a “Wow!” book, although only 119 pages. Recently I have been reading the Book of Acts in my devotions and have been reminded how important Barnabas was to all of us, even though he is often overlooked.

Barnabas might be called part of the “support team” today. The Barnabas mind-set is simple: showing compassion to others, reaching out to others, and encouraging others. “ Barnabas ”means “comfort .” When people see you, including your family, do they think of you as a “comfort” or as a “pain”? Yes, there are actually people who give pain to their families. Let’s not be one of them!

One of the most amazing acts of encouragement by anyone that is recorded in the Bible is told to us in Acts 9. Saul had just met Jesus on the road to Damascus. He was totally changed, yet not all were convinced. Acts 9:26b states that the disciples “were afraid of him and believed not that he was a disciple.” Of course, we can understand that someone’s father or mother might have been killed or imprisoned by this very man Saul of Tarsus! How would we respond to his sudden “conversion”?

BUT...along came BARNABAS... (Acts 9:27-30). “Barnabas took him (Saul) and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he {Saul) had seen the Lord in the way...he had preached boldly in the name of Jesus...” Because of Barnabas, Saul (Paul) was received and began his unbelievable ministry. We know that Barnabas also encouraged John Mark in the ministry (Acts 15:39). Perhaps this led to our having the Gospel of Mark to read today!

I doubt that Barnabas went around reminding everyone that HE was the one responsible for Paul’s power and influence. Pushing others ahead is not easy - accepting second place for ourselves. If any of you went to Tennessee Temple, you will remember the prime example of a perfect second place man . . . Dr. J. R. Faulkner. What a modern-day example of a Barnabas! Even though Dr. Faulkner is now with the Lord, his reputation lives on. May we be remembered for such good!

The author John Sloan tells the reader we need to “take a risk. . . seek out those who stand in the lonely corners of life.” Now that is perfect word imagery. . . . "lonely corners." What about in GBC, in your office, in your family? Are there people on the “edge” or in the “lonely corners of life” who need to be encouraged. . .even though success is not guaranteed!

My daughter Debbie has gotten me totally hooked on the author/artist Susan Branch. Every year she gives me Susan’s wonderful calendar, full of unbelievable beautiful quotes and artwork. This was her March:

Her little girl was late arriving home from school, so the mother began to scold her but stopped and asked, “Why are you so late?”

“I had to stop and help another girl. She was in trouble,” replied the daughter.

“What did you do to help her?”

“Oh, I sat down and helped her cry.”

Living “the Barnabas way,” according to John Sloan, is “job security.” All it takes is the willingness on our part to seek out someone who needs encouragement. As you have your “Cup of Grace” with your cup of java, ask the Lord to give you that person today. Maybe you, through a visit, phone call, or card can “walk alongside someone toward a happier ending.”

--Maylou Holladay  

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