Sunday, October 11, 2020



 Many mornings I listen to an interesting man on Christian radio named Brant Hansen. (Yes, another Brant!) In the first few weeks of this virus, Brant told his audience (including me) that these times would be “clarifying.” That word “clarifying” has stayed with me for months. Now we have not only the virus, but also the unrest that has been destroying some of our cities and infringing on our liberties.

 Clarifying - Making something less confusing or easier to understand, being certain or definite, encouraging sharpness.

 How can a “pandemic” be clarifying? How can “concern for our wonderful country” be clarifying?   How can a “mountaintop experience” be clarifying? How can any event in our lives be “clarifying”?

1. Clarifying my opinion of the Lord (To me, the most important): 

Sometimes during difficult times, my heart echoes Psalm 10:1 - “Why, Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?”

 How can we keep from being defeated by doubting our Lord and His plan during difficult times? We must go to the eternal Word of God! That cannot be overstated.

 Psalm 16:8 states: “I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.”

 SET - This is a definite decision that has to be made - to “set something” before me. Why “before me”? That is so I can see Him and follow Him. Sometimes He is moving...sometimes still. Then I have to WAIT! Ugh! J

 How do we “see” Him? By reading and meditating on His Word!

 2. Clarifying my attitude (this goes along with my other point):

How many times during these few months have I asked to myself and out loud (poor Brant): “How can just one man/a few people dictate to the whole country/state what to do?” “Why do they keep moving the goal posts?” “We need to get going...get back to our normal routines.” Boy, my attitude has been clarified! I am not very happy with the circumstances!

Well...this restlessness and aggravation and concern I feel many days cannot be changed by my wishing it is not so. It has to be that I “set” the Lord before me and look to Him.

Do I always do that? No! But this change inside me (which sometimes is a daily battle) is a CHOICE because of what I find in my Lord.

Psalm 18 (almost overwhelming with goodness):

Verse one is a declaration:

I will love You, O Lord, my strength (when I cannot go on...).

The Lord is my rock (the kind that cannot be crushed, perhaps a foundation, something steadfast, maybe solid in the same place for ages)...

and my fortress (a place of safety, protection, like some of the castles we have seen in England and Germany...can withstand the blows of the enemy)...

and my deliverer (SO...this would imply that the enemy might overtake me, but God will deliver

me. This enemy can be worry, doubt, fear, pride...); 

My God (personal), my strength (we need this word again), in Whom I will trust (choice, determination - not just “love” as in verse one, but “trust”); 

My shield or buckler (used in hand-to-hand combat...God fighting close to me) and the horn (implies anointing me with power) of my salvation, my stronghold or high tower (protection).

I will call upon the Lordwho is worthy to be praised.



--Maylou Holladay




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