Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Brush With Jesus

I once read a story about a lady who hiked the Pacific Crest Trail which is 2,653 miles long. Life had laid many losses on her back, and she tucked those hurts into her pack and carried them into the woods. She faced many challenges along the way which made her want to quit, but she didn’t. When she emerged from the woods, she had healed a lot emotionally. From all appearances, this lady did not know the Lord, but being in nature had had a restorative effect on her. It reminded me of the woman in the Bible who had faith that to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment would heal her.  Afterall, God’s fingerprints are all over nature, and anyone spending much time there might feel as though they had brushed against Jesus.

I feel it when I’m there. Being in nature is a worshipful experience for me (of God, not nature), and those who know me, know I cannot get enough of being outdoors. I look around in wonder and marvel at all that God has created, the incredible detail, variety, and beauty. I love the warmth of the sun on my back and a breeze tickling my skin and lifting my hair. I inhale the fresh air slowly and deeply. My heart responds with thankfulness and begins to hum a song of praise. It is a place to notice some of God’s handiwork.

I hate it when I have worked hard at something and no one notices or appreciates the outcome. Don’t you? I wonder if God feels that way when I cry out, “Let me see Your hand at work! Give me a sign You’re still there!” (I guess my faith is sometimes weak.) Recently, God took me to Psalm 65 to show me His work.  Here I found words that describe God’s actions: atone, answer, establish, silence, make, visit, prepare, soften, crown. Then there were other words and phrases that further described His activities: hope, salvation, satisfying, awe-inspiring works, enriching, providing, soaking, overflow, robed, clothed, covered – rich words.

God works quietly, but He is busy! It is our place to notice! He works for the good of humanity and all the earth, but also for us personally.

Verses 1-2, “Praise is rightfully Yours, God, in Zion; vows to You will be fulfilled.  All humanity will come to You, the One who hears prayer.” (HCSB)

We are literally dependent on Him for our every need. He is busy holding the world together, and I want to ask Him for a sign? Seriously? I just need a trip to the woods - and to the Word.

joyce hague

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