Sunday, March 12, 2017


            The last six weeks have been very difficult and pain-filled for me, the most intense prolonged pain I have ever had.  So what have I learned from this?  (Thank you, Joyce, Cup of Grace, 2/5/17.)  I loved Sherry’s blog on Scripture memorization.  I love that Jesus promised in John 14 that the Holy Spirit would remind us of what Jesus has promised, and I know that the Holy Spirit cannot bring to our remembrance what we have not learned earlier.
            So Scripture has been very important to me in these weeks.  But the pain level and the medication given to deal with that pain have clouded my mind, have made it difficult to have a rational thought some of the time, made it difficult to bring Scriptures to mind.  One night recently when I could not sleep because of the pain, I tried to quote Psalm 23 and found it took three attempts before I could quote the whole thing.  I have known that Psalm since childhood!
            But the Lord used a different part of the brain to comfort me that night.  I have read that music is processed in a different part of the brain from other things we commit to memory.  I have learned that music goes directly into long-term memory.  I saw this when my father had Alzheimer’s and did not recognize his family, but could sing every word of the Christmas carols others sang.  I have heard songs of comfort in my head as I came out of anesthesia administered during surgery.  But that night when pain had clouded my brain, a song I had not sung since childhood came and comforted me.  Throughout that long night I heard “Overshadowed.”

How desolate my life would be,
How dark and drear my nights and days,
If Jesus' face I did not see,
To brighten all earth's weary ways.

I'm overshadowed by His mighty love
Love eternal, changeless, pure.
Overshadowed by His mighty love
Rest is mine, serene, secure.
He died to ransom me from sin,
He lives to keep me day by day,
I'm overshadowed by His mighty love,
Love that brightens all my way.

Now judgment fears no more alarm,
I dread not death, nor Satan's power;
The world, for me, has lost its charm,
God's grace sustains me every hour.
            I’ve told my children that when I get old and have memory problems, I want them to play music for me.  I’ve told them what kind of music I want them to play.  It is these old, old hymns and gospel songs I want to hear.  I want “Overshadowed” to be one of them.
            I am indeed “overshadowed by His mighty love” and “rest is mine, serene, secure,” today and till my life is over.

Faith Himes Lamb

Overshadowed, sung by Andrea Creath

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