Sunday, August 18, 2024

Redeeming the Crumbs


Some days there is just this internal rage at seeing another crumb. I mean, where do they all come from!? I know… my kids, my husband, and if I must admit it… myself. The worst are the days when I’ve JUST swept, vacuumed and mopped the floor, and everyone has the audacity to eat again. More crumbs.

There are other areas that incur the same defeat: Finishing all the laundry, even putting it away and once again, people are wearing clothes! Dishes done, but dinner just ended. Bed was made, but we have to sleep somewhere.

I often find myself living with this unrealistic goal of completely finishing my to-do list. As if there is going to be one golden day when there is nothing else to finish. I will sit back and bask in my easy life, having complete freedom over my time and choices.

Why am I like that? When have I ever even completed a “check-list” of items for one day? Focusing on this desperate desire to check all the boxes off and finally be “done” can bring about some unpleasant feelings and a need for a reality check.

The funny thing is that I’ve had this subject in my mind to write about all day, and the moment my husband got home today, I started complaining about feeling overwhelmed… too much to do… can’t get it all done… didn’t do what I wanted… me, me, me. What a fast downward spiral that becomes. So, hear me when I say, these reminders are directed first at this author.

Notice all of the negative things: being swept up in feelings, complaining, inward focus, frustration toward other people, bitterness. 

But I once heard something on the Risen Motherhood podcast that can completely change that internal perspective and point me toward God, who He created me to be, and how I can live my daily life, surrounded by crumbs. I want to share the concept with you.

This daily act of cleaning and making right fulfills two beautiful images of the gospel. The first is that we are redeeming the mess. We are putting back into order. Even though it will inevitably come around again while we live in this fallen world, we have the opportunity to express a picture of what God has done in our lives. He has taken the destruction of sin and our hopelessness and redeemed it all through His Son! He redeems, restores, makes new, fixes, perfects. He redeemed us once and has promised to restore creation to what He intended it to be. So when we are once again crawling under the kitchen table, restoring the floor to cleanliness, we are able to live out a simplified model of what the gospel is. And that brings hope to a weary heart.

Another way we are able to be daily images of the gospel is in that very word. We are image bearers and part of our bearing of God’s image is to work and create. Satan loves to take the opportunities we have to bring glory to God through work and creation and turn our hearts to focus on drudgery, stress, and failure. When instead, we see these things as our God-given opportunities, the perspective shifts, and with that comes joy and hope!

I’m sorry to tell you, I have no answers for the amount of crumbs you will have in your life. But I do hope this brings you some peace and patience in the daily grind. These are the moments God gives us to proclaim the gospel to our families and as we truly need, to ourselves.

 Ephesians 1:7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.

Revelation 21:5 And He who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also He said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”


(Risen Motherhood Podcast Episode 7 “Dirt Dishes and Diapers: Dealing with the Never-Ending Mess”)

--Sandy Gromacki

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