Sunday, May 12, 2024

A Tribute to the Women

 A Tribute to the Women

I’m going to name names. I know, sometimes that makes people feel uncomfortable, and you run the risk of leaving someone out or forgetting someone important. And to be honest, posting this might make me squirm a bit, too because here it is - all out there, but I believe that life on this earth is short enough and the people God gives you are valuable enough to let them know how much you love them. So I am going to be unashamedly gushy…

On Mother’s Day, we reflect on our relationships with our own mothers, perhaps your role as a mother, and sometimes the other women who have “mothered” us in various ways. Sometimes this day brings with it hurt and pain because of a desired relationship that wasn’t there, or disappointment and shattered dreams. With an empathetic heart toward those feelings too, I want to take a few minutes to thank the women who have largely shaped who I am today.

Thank you, mom. You were there for all the soccer games, (and other sport games), doing a replay on drives home, discussing what I could work on and improve. You worked long hours so you could spend more time with me in between. You made the little things count. You are the greatest example of befriending those who need a friend. You are a loving Grammy to my kids. Oftentimes it was just the two of us, battling some hard days and times. And here we are again, just the two of us… figuring out these next days together.

Thank you, Kim. I am often amazed at the great relationship God has allowed us to have. In the early dating days, having Sunday dinners at  your house, you made me a part of your family from day one. You have been an example in building solid relationships with others, putting God and your family first, mentoring countless young women and being brave in the face of new challenges and changes. I am grateful to have you to talk to about anything and thankful that my kids have you as their Nana.

Thank you, Jessica, for being the big sister I never had. When I look back to the influences I needed most in high school, you were the golden one. Thank you for going a few years ahead in marriage, parenting and ministry and being honest about the difficulties of all three, but making it clear how much they matter too.

Thank you, Rebecca, for being my first official “mentor”. In my junior year of college, when there were some dark days in my family and the struggle of academic stress was real, you walked me through all of those things. You exemplified what being a mentor to someone was: listening, offering, caring, remembering. I think of you often when I have the opportunity to sit down with those younger than I am.

Thank you Rosemary, Sherry, Kelly and Nancy for befriending “little-ol’-me”. I am often humbled that you would invest time to have a meal with me, celebrate life moments, invite me into your home. Thank you for giving me honest counsel and being someone I can be fully myself with, baggage and all. Because you see through the struggles and walk with me toward Christ. 

Thank you to the MOPs Mentor Moms who have always been encouraging, listening hearts. Thank you for laughing alongside the craziness of motherhood, crying with me during the breakdowns and reminding me that His mercies are new every morning. Thank you also for reminding me that I’m not alone. It’s a joy to serve alongside you and to count you as a friend.

Thank you to all the women and friends God has placed in my life. I am beyond blessed and beyond grateful. There are those of you who are in the same stages and I love “doing life” with you. There are those of you who have gone before, and I love learning from you and seeing your example and faithfulness.

On this day, full of differing emotions, I pray that you would find the women who have mattered, cared, walked and poured, and praise our God for the community He gives. Maybe take some time to thank those women who have shaped you. And think about how you can be that friend and mentor to someone else.

I am thankful for you. Happy Mother’s Day.

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