Sunday, November 20, 2022

Defeated Individual or Victorious Team? A Timeline

David and Joanne Divakar are our Grace-supported missionaries to India and to Indian communities in Australia. Indians themselves, they are uniquely gifted to minister in both Indian and Western cultures. Speaking at our church several years ago, David related a story which shows God’s power and plan in a unique situation. It helps us see past our own tiny slice of history and influence to God’s larger perspective. Feeling small? Unsuccessful? Ineffective? Check. Check. And check. I’ve transcribed from the recording of his message; this reads more like a speech than a written account because it is. The rest of this article is entirely his; I’ve not added anything. If you have heard Mr. Divakar speak, you may be able to hear his voice as you read.  (Lynda Shenefield)


Way back, over 100 years ago now, there was a Hindu Guru. A Hindu Guru is a priest, and he was reading from his book, a commentary on the Bhagavad Ghita, and in that he was reading and teaching his disciples. In the course of his teaching, he read a passage that said, “All religions will ultimately be done away with, but a religion started by a carpenter will survive.” And he was thinking, “What in the world does this mean?” because he said, “I am the priest of what I would consider the greatest religion in the world.” This is gross, but they used to wash his feet and drink it as holy water because according to the system of reincarnation, you become, you know, the bad dog becomes a cat, but if you’ve attained humanity, that’s pretty good. And then if you go one step farther, where you’re a rishi or a swami or a guru or something like that, that is sort of right below the status of one of their gods, and eventually you attain Nirvana, which is nothingness. And so he said, “I am a priest, I am a guru and I don’t even know what’s going to happen in the future. And here this book is talking about someone who is going to come, a carpenter of all people, and his religion is going to supercede mine? It doesn’t make sense.” And so he didn’t know how to explain that, so he just sort of went over that. But that kept bothering him.

In God’s providence, there was a missionary who left London, England, and about that same time came into that area and started preaching the gospel, and as he was preaching the gospel, he came to this particular place where this guru was, and he started teaching them and talking to them. And, if you know anything about Indian people, they are pretty hospitable, pretty nice people. They won’t accept everything you say, but they will shake their head and say, “Yes, yes.” You know, the bobbing head “yes;” you’ve probably seen that. And they were listening to him, not accepting what he said, but, in the course of his preaching, he said, “As a matter of fact, Jesus was probably a carpenter before his three and a half years of ministry, because His foster father Joseph was a carpenter, so it’s very likely in that culture the son does what the father did,” and so he just said that as a matter of fact, and he just went on, but that struck a chord in this elderly man’s mind and he said, “Hey, maybe what I read in my book and what this missionary is talking about are the same thing.” So, later on, when no one was around, sort of like Nicodemus, he went secretly to where the missionary was, but he wouldn’t go into his house, because this man worshipped cows and that man ate beef, so that’s anathema. But he was curious; he did want to know what he meant by what he said, and the missionary was so happy to talk to him and tell him that God loves you. He loves you so much He came down to this earth and died on the cross for you. That blew his mind. You know why? Because it’s not Islam, it’s not Buddhism, it’s not Hinduism, there is no religion in this world, you can Google it if you want to, there is no religion that tells you that God loves you and in a personal way and that he died for you and that He was a sacrifice for sin for you. That’s what this man understood of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. He said, “If this is true, it’s too good to give up.”

Making a long story short, he accepted Jesus Christ as personal Savior. When he did that, these same people who washed his feet and drank the holy water said, “Man, we’re gonna kill you because you are a priest, and now you are a Christian, of all things, and we cannot have that.” And so they kicked him out of the village; his house, his land, everything was just left, bag and baggage. He left and went to a big city. They kicked the missionary out, as well, because they said, “Man, you messed us up big time, because you’ve converted our guru into a Christian; if you stay here, that’s just not gonna happen.” And so they kicked him out as well, and it is said that the missionary left, a very sad man. After all that time and effort, just one person came to Christ; that’s not good to write in your prayer letters, right, just one person came to Christ? But, here’s the thing, we’re talking about a life turned around. God can take any situation and use it for His glory.

What this missionary did not know is that this elderly man’s son would pastor a church for 42 years, preaching the gospel of Christ, seeing many souls saved. And that his son, in the later part of his life, would be an evangelist, again, preaching the gospel, and that his son would be a missionary, and that his son is myself.

I am from that lineage.

And I say that, to say this. It is because we do not realize the power of our Lord and Master until we go through that valley. You know, we love the victories, right? When I was a kid, I used to love to hear my father and all the wonderful stories he used to tell about how God did this for him, God did that for him, wonderful things, and I used to wonder, is that ever going to happen to me? And you know what? It isn’t until you fight the battle, that’s the only time you win the victory. If you don’t fight the battle, you’re not going to win any victories. I learned that and that’s what I understood – that God, if You want me to be in this, I have to go through it. And that’s the same for all of us. We want the victory, but we have to fight the battle before the victory. I thank God for the life of Abraham and other people here in the Bible that we see that went through a lot of hardship, a lot of difficulties, but God has the power, the resources, the ability and, if it is His will, He can take a bad situation and turn it for His glory and honor.

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