Sunday, February 7, 2021

Above the Fray

How are you? Really? It’s been a difficult year, yes? We have faced a devastating tornado, Covid with its fallout and uncertainty, civil unrest, and an uncertain future for our country. Are you afraid? I have been, but while battling cancer in 2016, the Spirit taught me ways to combat fear. I would love to share with you a few things I learned. Here are some ideas: 

When I am fearful, sad, or angry, my spiritual journal gets thicker. Cheaper than therapy, it is how I sort out my thoughts that result in feelings. I write down verses the LORD shows me. I combat negative feelings with truth. Writing (not typing) it down helps me digest it in my spirit, and I can reflect on it later. I lean into the LORD my Rock. You can do this too and be comforted. Be honest with Him and yourself about how you are feeling. Ask for His help. Do this when you least feel like it. Negative thoughts produce chemicals in the body and result in negative feelings. Over time, this can negatively impact our health and make us more vulnerable to infection and disease. While imprisoned in Rome and facing possible execution, the Apostle Paul tells us to “think on these things,” (Phil 4:8). He was fighting his fears! Flip those anxious thoughts to thoughts of gratitude and truth. Turn off the news and social media if necessary. Take control of runaway thoughts. As believers, there is no need for us to be at the mercy of fear. Fear is a horrible master! There are so many verses to encourage us. Here is an example I love: 

Isaiah 43: 1-3a (NIV) (verses written to Israel, but we are grafted on), “But now, this is what the Lord says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: ‘Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; …’” 

Another tip for combating fear: Remember Who God is. Focus on His many Names. There are lists on the internet you can print. Think about each one. Look up verses related to those Names. Keep your eyes on Him. Do not be like Peter and be distracted by the wind and the waves. Praise Him for Who He is! Sing loudly about it. Know that He will never leave us alone to face trials. No matter what comes, He will help us. Soak your heart in these truths. 

Isaiah 26:3-4, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal. 

Choose joy. In all this craziness, God keeps speaking to me about joyfulness. Joy! Rejoice! Be thankful! John MacArthur says this about joy, “Christian joy is the emotion springing from the deep-down confidence of the Christian that God is in complete and perfect control of everything, and will bring from it our good in time, and our glory in eternity.” (John has a whole sermon on the topic of joy, “Rejoicing Always.” It aired on “Grace To You” on January 12, 2021. I recommend printing it or taking notes.) Joy is not dependent on circumstances, and we can have it! 

Finally, here are some fun tips rooted in neurological science to calm fearful/anxious/hyper feelings: 

Press the wall. Push a wall as hard as you can with both hands while standing. Hold for a minute, release, and repeat. 

The magic mustache. Press your forefinger firmly over your top lip and hold for a minute. 

The cup of soup (or hot chocolate). Cup your hand and hold close to your mouth. It smells so good, so breathe it in deeply. It’s so hot, so blow to cool it. Do this several times. (Deep breathing – works well with children.)

General deep breathing. Sit quietly with eyes closed. Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold 5 seconds, release 7-8 seconds. Repeat 5 times. Sit quietly until calm. I also use this to focus and prepare my heart for prayer. 

I hope these tips help and encourage you! 

Peace my friends,

joyce hague

P.S. The picture above is one of my favorite places on the Hiwassee River - a very peaceful place.

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