Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Familiar Comfort


Here I am... still in Psalms! This time some very familiar verses...Psalm 23. Oh, my! What a comfort midst all the virus, election unrest, cultural unrest...perhaps unrest in our own personal lives.

 Vs 1.  THE LORD - Maker of Heaven and earth, JEHOVAH - IS MY (personal, Maylou’s) SHEPHERD.

What does a shepherd do? He watches over me, a “dumb” sheep who doesn’t know where to get food and water, or how to stay out of briers, or where to sleep.

Vs 2. He makes me lie down. My Shepherd knows I need rest, but where? In green pastures by still waters. This is a picture of my Shepherd not only giving me rest but also meeting my needs with “still” waters so I can drink and not be afraid to drink. “Green” pastures imply fresh, good food.

Vs3.  While resting by water and pasture, He restores my soul. How? By His presence and by His Word. This may take a while but He doesn’t let me rest forever.   He leads me in the paths of righteousness. I have been rested, fed, and restored. Now I must get busy and follow him for His name’s sake. People who see me restored give God glory because they see WHO restored me.

Vs 4.  Yea...YES...For sure. There will be a change. A problem comes. I may walk (NOT RUN) through the valley. The fact that I am walking means my Shepherd is with me. The valley (many times a beautiful place) has a shadow of death.  Shadows might frighten me but cannot hurt me. I will fear no evil. This is an adamant statement.  My Shepherd is walking with me through the valley to the other side. Sometimes He corrects me (His rod); sometimes He directs me (His staff). These even comfort me. These show He cares and is paying attention to me.

Vs 5. Prepares a table for me - It is prepared by my Shepherd in the presence of my enemies so they can see me enjoy His provisions. He anoints my head with oil...A sign of His blessing and confirmation.

My cup runs over...A sign of His abundant care.

Vs 6. Even though I am a “dumb sheep,” God’s goodness...His kindness, His blessing, His care...and

His mercy...for my sinful person, for times when I do not obey my Shepherd...shall follow me all my life.

God, my loving Shepherd, never forsakes me. In fact, I am so special to Him, He will invite me to live with Him forever! 

This dear Psalm never grows old to me.

 --Maylou Holladay

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