Sunday, December 3, 2017

We Stand Forgiven

This, the pow’r of the cross:
Christ became sin for us;
Took the blame, bore the wrath—
We stand forgiven at the cross

Not too long ago, we sang this song on a Sunday morning, and in memory I returned to childhood when my mother caught me in a lie. I recall that I hid in my playhouse hoping she wouldn't know where I was, but she sought me out and discussed the importance of telling the truth. My mother was gentle, trying to understand why I told the lie, but I recall the "awesome weight of sin" that this song refers to. I felt terrible, wishing I could take back the hurtful words but knowing I couldn't.

Though that childish transgression seems insignificant all these years later, it stands as a time when I knew I was a sinner and understood my need for forgiveness. There are other incidents too painful to recall or mention, but maybe you know what I'm talking about. Maybe you have some weighty memories of your own.

I am so grateful that God forgives, that Jesus was willing to take the blame and bear the wrath so I could "stand forgiven." But I'm not the only one who needs forgiveness. Jesus bore the weight of the whole world's sin. When we consider some of the awful things we've heard, this truth seems too much to imagine.

But let's bring the truth home and determine to be kinder and gentler with those who need the mercy and love of God. As we revel in our own good standing with God, we should pray for others who haven't found it yet--others including the tiresome and the trying, the profane and the cruel. These are people who carry a terrible burden that Jesus longs to lift from their shoulders.

This Christmas season, remember the cross that Jesus came to. Don't let his sacrifice go unappreciated.

 --Sherry Poff

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