Saturday, November 11, 2017


When I drive to the children’s home where I work, I feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of serving abused and neglected children. Their problems and their families’ problems seem insurmountable. I pray for strength, wisdom, and insight. The job is bigger than I am, and the enemy relentlessly attacks me with doubt and insecurity.

But then, God reminds me of Moses (and others). God called Moses to influence Pharoah to do something he did not want to do and to convince over a million people to follow him into the unknown. Potential danger filled this assignment, and he would be rewarded with humiliation if he failed.

Poor Moses was scared! He made excuses and asked God to choose someone else. This made God mad for He had invested a lot into Moses’ preparation. God had arranged for Moses to be reared in Pharoah’s palace where he would be educated and learn Egyptian customs. He may have learned administration skills while there too. Yet, his formative years remained secure with his own parents. He knew who he was. Then, God took him into the desert for forty years to learn about shepherding dumb sheep (this no doubt would be invaluable – haha!).

Moses did not realize how God had prepared him or maybe he would have been more confident – or not. The job remained big and scary! But God promised to go with him and empower him. He sent someone with skin on – Aaron – so he would not go alone. God does the same for us. If He has called us, He will prepare and empower us. We must lean into Him and not become too dependent on ourselves. He’s the One with the wisdom and strength and knowledge. After all, He IS the great I AM!

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