Sunday, March 19, 2017

Confessions of a Thirsty Soul

Let’s be real, shall we? I told my husband a few hours ago, “I have no idea what I’m going to write for the church women’s blog today. The fact that I haven’t had my ‘Quiet Time’ even once this week probably doesn’t help.” Mothering three little kids ages five and under is not for the faint of heart. It is an around-the-clock job that allows for little free time, especially because the two oldest no longer take naps.  I get jealous when I see pictures on social media of open Bibles next to coffee mugs in beautiful, serene settings. Who gets to do that? Not me.

               Shortly after that conversation with my husband I got in the car to pick up some left-over clothes from a kids’ consignment sale I took part in. The CD I was listening to was a birthday present from my husband last week – Laura Story’s newest release.  One of the songs that came on caught my attention in light of that comment concerning my time with the Lord. “Speak to me, my heart is open. Speak to me, here in this moment. Above distraction, above the noise, God let me hear Your voice. […] Speak to me, Your Word is power. […]It’s water for the thirsty, power for the weak, shelter for the weary, help for those in need…”

               Can I admit something? Those lyrics describe me: I am thirsty, weak, weary and needy. And I am depriving myself of that which I need most, the Word of the Living God. Sure, I have a good “excuse.” My time is very limited. But can I be even more honest? There are times when I can get in the Word, but don’t, because it’s not the completely ideal setting.  In other words, the oldest two may be playing while the baby sleeps, but knowing that I might have to break up a fight in the middle of reading, makes me not want to even get started with my Bible study.  I also have an amazing husband who gets up with the kids most mornings, so I can stay in bed an extra 30 minutes or so. Would that time be better spent feeding my soul?

               We make time for that which is important. Of course it may be harder in certain life settings, but the principle holds true. While “Quiet Time” may not be so quiet with three little ones in the house, it should not be non-existent.  I may not be peacefully sitting on my front porch with an open Bible in hand and my favorite coffee cup on the little table next to me, but the same truths that speak to the woman on her quiet porch can speak to me on a crumb-filled couch with children’s voices in the background. 

               What about you? Are you like me, longing to hear God speak, but neglecting the greatest opportunity for Him to do so by not reading and meditating daily on His Word? As I start into a new week, may I make the time to hear God’s voice through His written Word.  May I read Scripture, think on it, and plead with the God who loves me to bring water to this thirsty soul, power to my weakness, shelter in my weariness, and help in my need. And if you see me, go ahead… Ask me what He’s been saying.

--Amy O'Rear

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