Monday, June 8, 2015

The Death Wish

I know I'm not the only one to notice this phenomenon, but I'll mention it again:  So often the same scripture passages or ideas show up in multiple sermons, devotionals, or songs.  It happened again this week.  Larry and I are visiting our daughter Sarah and her husband in Greenville. The pastor at the church we visited yesterday preached from - - - are you ready?  Acts chapter 4!

It's amazing, really, how rich the Bible is and how many different lessons can be learned from the same passage. This pastor, Jonathan Tomkins, took us to verses 23-33. He had a lot to say about unity, but the big idea that stuck with me was the idea of a "death wish."

Pastor Tompkins noted that the prayer for "confidence"-- or "boldness" in some versions--was really asking for trouble because of the political and religious climate of the day. Many believers went out to proclaim God's word and truly suffered for it, a truth we see in I Peter.

However, another kind of "death wish" is at work here as well: death to self and selfish desires. If we truly focus on God's aims and the gospel message, many people will not like us. They will think we're strange, intolerant, or even hostile. In order to boldly speak truth, I must die to my own desire to be liked and accepted. God's opinion and approval must be more important to me than man's approval.

I note in verse 31 that God granted the prayer of his people. They did speak with boldness, and many of them suffered for it. Some died physically, but all died to self. May it be so for me this week.

--Sherry Poff

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