Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Life: A Journey, Not a Destination

“Life’s a journey.”

All my life I have heard this cliché, but now I see its meaning with clarity. In my youth, I listened to the instruction of well-meaning men who taught us to “seek God’s will for your life,” and asked us to “find God’s call.” In theory, these ideas snapped together neat and tidy. First, we were advised to obtain the necessary skills to start our careers; then, to discover our life mates. We young people worried that we would somehow miss the “call” or fail to find just the right man or woman with whom to spend our lives. What if we united with the wrong person? What if we dozed when the call came? What if we misunderstood what God was saying?! We would be out of God’s will and ruined!

After I completed college, I secured employment as a social worker. I thought this ministry was my life’s calling…a destination, a place where I would stop until I retired, died, and then found a new life in Heaven. My social work “destination” was actually a long detour, a mere side road. (I certainly wouldn't call it a rest stop.) It took me eight years to explore that road all the while learning valuable lessons that would include how to be a better parent. Had I not prayed that God would teach me to be a good mom? Although far from perfect, I am a much better mama for having worked at a children’s home. God felt the detour was worth the time investment, and He does not get in a hurry - ever! I learned so much on that scenic by-way.

As I have grown older, I have little-by-little gained a more complete map of what my life will look like when it is finished. Side roads begin to link with longer highways revealing more and more of the journey with interesting surprises along the way. This life map consists of twists and turns, hills and valleys, rough roads and smooth, all revealed one moment at a time. As the map grows larger, I am able to zoom out and see patterns emerging and observe the complex plans the Master Mapmaker has wisely crafted.

As I walk with Him daily along these roads, He acts as my Guide. Whether I turn to the right or to the left, in my ears I hear a voice behind me, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21) His Word is a light for my path with only a few feet illuminated at a time. Whatever road I travel, I know my calling is to follow and obey Him each day. This is made possible when we learn to trust in His goodness; knowing that He has our ultimate good in mind. The destination and the journey are the same – being with Him every step along the way.

-Joyce Hague

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful thoughts, well put. I know what you mean about thinking we had to "find" the "right way." I'm reminded of the old song, "There is a joy in the journey."
