Monday, April 4, 2011

A Double Portion

I love being an aunt! I would give my niece and nephews just about anything they asked for. At Christmas time, my niece, Maggie asked me over and over to play ponies with her. HOW CAN ONE RESIST? It didn't matter that we'd already played ponies, if she asked can be sure I didn't turn her down. I'm not a mother, but I can only imagine that my sister wants to give her daughter the things she desires, even more than Aunt Bec Bec does!
Our Heavenly Father feels the same way. But for some reason, I don't think to ask him, or I have the misconception that I shouldn't ask for things that seem self-centered or insignificant. On the contrary, our Father wants to give us the desires of our hearts. He did it for  me this past week with a new desk at work, something I'm pretty sure came out as more of a "Wholly Whine" than a request of the Lord. And yet, He gave me exactly what I wanted!
2 Kings 2 tells the story of Elijah's departure from this world on a chariot of fire. As if this weren't miraculous enough, a second miracle is formulating. Elisha is with Elijah, even though several times Elijah asked him to stay behind. In verse 9, Elijah asks Elisha if there is anything he can do for him before he goes. Elisha asks for a "...double portion of [Elijah's] spirit." Elisha had just witnessed (in verse 8) the "spirit" of Elijah when he crossed the Jordan river on dry ground because of God's power and Elijah's faith. Elisha wanted that kind of faith. Reading further we see that his request is granted as he calls upon the Lord to part the water for him to go back across. WOW!! God's power coupled with Elisha's faith resulted in yet another miraculous event. Studying Elisha's life further allows us to see that his faith superseded even his death!
He got that double portion, didn't he?
Do you have anything in your life today that requires faith? Maybe you're in financial trouble. Maybe you have situations at work that need resolution. Maybe you have family members for whom you've been praying for years to be saved. Why not ask, as Elisha did, for a double portion of faith that God will answer! God game him exactly what he asked for! I bet He wants to answer your prayers, too!
I don't know about you, but I want faith for the big things and boldness to ask for it! I mean, if God can answer my requests/grumblings for a new desk, why wouldn't He answer my prayers for faith?

Can't wait to hear what YOU ask for this week, and how God answers! Please share here or on Facebook!

~Rebecca Phillips


  1. This piece really speaks to me, Rebecca. I have had my faith tested and God's faithfulness proven in many small ways this winter and spring. One such issue involves a missions trip that I was in a quandary about. I will spare you the details---and I'm still waiting for absolute confirmation---but I see God at work, and it does give me courage!

  2. I am memorizing James with the Mindful of Him group. I had just memorized "You do not have because you do not ask" Great word Rebecca!
