Sunday, September 27, 2020

A People Who Show Christ's Love


Some people come into our lives for only a short season. Yet it seems that the Lord in His kindness brought them to us for a specific reason at just the right time. For me, such a person was Renee Bottoms. We had gone to the same church for many years and, though we had had short conversations here and there, I did not know her well. I had not been to any of the women’s bible studies that she taught, and within the church, we just seemed to move in different circles.

I had just finished teaching through the book of 1 Peter at the end of February this year when Renee stopped me after church to find out where the Wednesday night women’s study met and how many women usually came. She was set to teach through the month of March and had chosen some of the Psalms as her theme. I told her where we met and a little about the group, and then came to the study that first Wednesday in March. After we briefly discussed our favorite psalms, she took us through Psalm 121, pointing out not only the meaning of the text but also its writing style. She was very down-to-earth in her teaching and also very knowledgeable. She had studied that passage thoroughly. At some point in the class, either based on an application question she asked, or it could have been prayer request time, I spoke of Kelly’s cancer situation and either my fears or what the Lord was teaching me (I really can’t recall). This was a week before we found out that Kelly’s medication wasn’t working and we would need to have surgery to remove the tumors. That evening ended up being the last time that I saw Renee. For it was later that week that everything shut down, and church stopped meeting on-site. Even when we did begin meeting again, Renee could not join us due to her fragile lungs.

That would have been the end of my interactions with Renee had it not been for a card that she sent me a week or so later. Renee had had her own cancer journey many years ago and shared her experience with me in the card she wrote and mentioned how she was praying for Kelly but also specifically for me (in response to what I had shared in class). She then sent me a text while Kelly was in the hospital in early April, and from that day on, until her passing, we developed a friendship over texts. About once every week or two, we would exchange texts. She updated me on her situation as her health was declining, and I kept her updated on how things were going with Kelly and with the possibility of our children having inherited the genetic mutation that caused Kelly’s cancer. And oh how she cared and how she prayed! She told me specifically what she was praying for me, she sent Scripture verses, she reminded me of truth, and she praised our Father with us over the answers to prayer along the way. That day in church, when I shared what God had done in my heart through Kelly’s cancer, Renee was praying for me. She sent me a text right after I shared that she had seen that I was getting teared up and so she started praying right then that I would be able to get through all that I wanted to say. Perhaps it was thanks to her prayer that I did.  I, in turn, was able to bring her name to the Lord as she went to various appointments and as her lungs struggled to function well. When she texted that the doctors had given her only 3-4 months to live, I grieved with her. I wept tears over this precious woman who had become so dear to me whom I would not see again on this earth.

So why do I write this? Because I, and perhaps you too, can get so caught up in my own life. I can have great intentions about reaching out to others, but in the busyness of life, it doesn’t happen. But I have been the recipient of a dear woman who took the time to write that card and to send that first text. A woman whose prayers and texts and Scripture helped carry me through the most difficult time that I have been through so far in my life. Renee reached out to me, a woman she barely knew, out of a heart of care and concern for a sister in Christ. She took the time, and a beautiful friendship developed. I’m forever grateful to her for the role she played, and as she texted me once after she told me that she probably wouldn’t live much longer on this earth, “we have all eternity to learn and grow together.” How thankful I am that I will see her again and will be able to give her a hug for the first time ever.

It’s a bit amazing to me that as I am challenging us to open our eyes to the needs of others, to reach out, to encourage, to write the card, to send the text, and then to follow-up so that we can be those special people that the Lord uses greatly in the lives of others, I know that Renee would agree. The very last text I have from her ends with this (I don’t think she’d mind me sharing): “I DO wait for the Lord and continue to be overwhelmed at His people that He has uniquely in place to meet my needs and show Christ’s love! Tears flow from gratitude for such love!” She had experienced those people in her life. She was that person for me. How I pray that you and I could be those people for others!

--Amy O' P

Sunday, September 20, 2020

A Number of Things


One of my favorite weekend things is to lie in my hammock. I can’t enjoy it nearly as much if I have a long list of things to do, so I do my long list first and then allow myself an hour or so of relaxation and reflection. I nearly always have a book with me, but sometimes I just watch and listen.

This weekend, it was a little cloudy and cool so I took along an afghan my mom crocheted for me years ago. As I lay there, all cozy and relaxed, I heard a hawk circling and circling high above. In the maple nearby, chickadees and finches twittered and hopped about. A red-bellied woodpecker flew from tree to tree emitting a somewhat harsh cry that I have come to love because he’s such a handsome fellow.  I looked across the yard and saw a hummingbird enjoying the pink and yellow lantana.

I read a bit of the book I had brought, took a few minutes to explore something on my phone, then watched and listened some more. In the distance, a train whistle blew. Neighbors chatted nearby and fussed at the dog, and right next to me on the tree, a brown inchworm made his careful way along the trunk. He was just the color of the tree, and I would not have seen him except for his movement. He extended his body, caught hold of a bit of the rough and uneven bark, then pulled his back feet up to the front, forming a perfect loop time after time.  The worm and I were now in shade, but the sun still danced and glittered in the upper leaves of nearby maples.

It was not an unusual day, and yet it was truly remarkable. Robert Louis Stevenson said, “The world is so full of a number of things/I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.” Indeed we should.

I have been reviewing Psalm 19 this week: “The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night showeth knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.” Ain’t it the truth? “The world is charged with the grandeur of God,” declared the poet. In spite of sorrow and suffering, this is a beautiful and magnificent world.

What will heaven be?

--Sherry Poff

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Examine Yourself!


Now that we’re back in school, the faculty and staff of GBA are required to do a self-assessment related to COVID-19 every morning. I log onto a special program, answer key questions, record my temperature, and get the green light allowing me to be on campus. Of course, the health of our entire school community is dependent on everyone’s recording accurate information, so I take the matter seriously.

Most days, I feel fine; occasionally, I take a little longer to decide. I find myself emerging slowly from sleep, swallowing hard a couple of times. Do I have a sore throat? Am I nauseated or just hungry? Let’s get a drink of water and see how I feel then. It’s really almost pathetic how self-focused I’ve become. But this is what we’re asked to do—assess our health every day.

Recently, as I lay in the semi-darkness thinking too much about my own physical sensations, it occurred to me that it had been a while since I’d focused so carefully on my spiritual health. In addition to being ever so careful about breathing on one another and making sure we clean frequently touched surfaces, we live in a world that, even in normal times, invites us to buy a car that offers a smooth ride, choose clothing that can “breathe,” opt for the best-tasting mouthwash. It would seem that life is all about feeling good and having the most pleasing physical experience possible. But we know that life—real life—is mostly about what happens in the spirit.

So I’ve been thinking about this idea a good bit the past several days, and I’ve compiled a list of questions:

  • Am I spending time in direct, purposeful contact with God?
  • Do I hunger for righteousness?
  • Do I have an appetite for God’s word?
  • Am I emanating love?
  • Does goodness flow from my life?
  •  Am I taking every opportunity to tell others about Christ?
  •  Do I have “clean hands and a pure heart” (Ps. 24:4) in God’s eyes?

The apostle Paul encouraged Corinthian believers to have a look at themselves. The Amplified Version puts it this way: “Test and evaluate yourselves to see whether you are in the faith and living your lives as [committed] believers. Examine yourselves [not me]!” (II Corinthians 13:5) 

I have no objection to asking myself the COVID questions. I don’t mind wearing a mask if it will help us all stay healthy. I have sung “Happy Birthday” so many times over the bathroom sink, it has become automatic. But now I’m trying to form another habit. I want to examine myself to see if I am living the life that pleases God, a life that encourages spiritual health and well-being. This practice is one I know will make a lasting difference.

Will you join me?

--Sherry Poff


Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Good Hand of Our God


If you are reading THE ONE YEAR BIBLE through, you will have been in Ezra and Nehemiah like I have. Now...if it has been a long time since you read these books, take the many nuggets in there for you. This one is the good (gracious) hand of my God” in both the writings of Ezra and Nehemiah.


**How did Ezra recognize the good hand of his God? He knew the Scriptures:


Ezra 7:6: This Ezra came up from Babylon. He was a teacher well-versed in the Law of Moses, which the Lord, the God of Israel, had given. The king had granted him everything he asked, for the hand of the Lord his God was on him.


7:9... according to the good hand of his God upon him.

NIV... for the gracious hand of his God was on him.


**Ezra knew where his courage and strength came from when he had to go before the king. This caused the king to listen to Ezra.


7:28... Because the hand of the Lord my God was on me, I took courage.

KJV...And I was strengthened as the hand of the Lord my God was upon me


8:18... the gracious hand of our God was on us.

KJV... by the good hand of our God upon us.


Ezra 8:22  ...We had told the king, “The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to Him...”

**There was trouble in Ezra’s time. But when the enemy came, Ezra realized it was that very gracious, good hand of God, his Heavenly Father, that took care of him and his people.

8:31...The hand of our God was on us, and He protected us.

(KJV)...The hand of our God was upon us, and He delivered us from the hand of the enemy.


Nehemiah wrote about the same “good hand of God” on him.


**Both Nehemiah and Ezra had to approach the king for help. The good hand of God opened that door for them. The king noticed they were different.


Nehemiah 2:8 ... because the gracious hand of my God was on me, the king granted my requests.


**Nehemiah used his own testimony to encourage others to get busy and work...


Nehemiah 2:18.  I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me.They replied, “Let us start rebuilding.” So they began this good work.


When we think of the phrase “God’s good, gracious hand” on us, we realize how personal our relationship to our Heavenly Father is. When a person kindly places a hand on our shoulders or gives us hugs, we know they are trying to encourage us.


 Every one of us reading this...right now...needs to feel the “good, gracious hand of our God” on us.  He cares for us just like a loving shepherd (Psalm 23), touching us “with His good hands” when we need encouragement or even direction to walk a different way. Today I hope you can say, like Ezra and Nehemiah: “And I was strengthened as the hand of the Lord my God was upon me,” and then encourage others with your testimony.

 --Maylou Holladay