Later, Philip followed Christ's example, which resulted in many coming to know Christ.
So, have you thought about it? Have you answered the question: To whom are you unwilling to go?
I don't like to think that I've ever been unWILLING to go.
Seven years ago, I would have used these less abrasive "un" words to explain why I could not interact with drug and alcohol addicted prostitutes. But the truth was, I was unwilling to go. In my fear and insecurity I believed that someone else would surely be better equipped for the role. But the Holy Spirit was persistent, and now I spend time with these women every week sharing the truth of the gospel with them, the message that even in their sin, Christ died for them! And guess who gets the blessing every time?
I suppose I could become satisfied that I've been through a personal Samaria. But Acts 1:8 extends the invitation into the uttermost parts of the world. And oddly enough, many of those parts exist right here in my Jerusalem.
Oh that we would all be bold and obedient to GO into all the world...ALL the world!
~Rebecca Phillips