Monday, July 29, 2013



          I celebrate aunts!  No, not the little pests that find very crumb, every grain of sugar, every drop of honey, nor the ones that bite and sting, like fire ants.  No, no.  I want to celebrate my mother’s sisters—Joy Martin, Joanna Rice, Jessie Sandberg, Libby Handford, and Grace MacMullen.
          I am the second of twenty-eight grandchildren.  My parents lived in my grandparents’ home when I was born and all of her sisters were there.  Except for one short break when I was a preschooler, I lived in Wheaton, where my grandparents and all five of my aunts lived, until I was thirteen.
We ate together every Sunday noon, celebrated every birthday and every holiday together, went as a body for a week of vacation every year—a farmhouse in Michigan, a group of cabins in Wisconsin, the Bill Rice Ranch, eventually to my grandparents’ home in Murfreesboro.  We didn’t need a special occasion; we could create one at a moment’s notice.
I like to joke that my sister and I are among the very few alive who were present at all five weddings of the sisters, but my memories go much further than these weddings.  These five women have been a major part of my life.
Because the youngest, Joy, was just ten years older than I, she was my playmate.  I remember sitting in the sandbox with my sister and Joy and Wilma, her best friend, as they used wooden Velveeta cheese boxes to create a village for us from the damp sand.  As I got older, she offered advice on hair, makeup, and dress, even adding to the makeup I was wearing when she didn’t think I had enough on!  When I began teaching on the college level, Joy was my colleague and friend, not just my aunt.  Today we both teach speech and compare stories and share ideas often.
           Joanna is the next sister.  Her first child was born the day before my tenth birthday and I thought I had a new doll!  Joanna was my Sunday school teacher when I was in junior high, but after that our paths diverged.  Today, however, we have discovered a fresh closeness as we each learn to live alone. We often eat together and have found that we can encourage each other.  I sit next to her in choir and in many church services and look forward to our time together.
        Jessie’s wedding is the first I really remember.  I can even tell you about my dress, made by my grandmother, for her wedding. Her romance was a fairy tale for me. She has challenged me all my life to be creative, to plan, to pray for individuals.  She has been through difficult things in her own life that teach me how I ought to respond.  She has been my encourager, most recently with the words, “The story isn’t finished.  The end has not been written.”
          I carry Libby’s name as I, too, am an Elizabeth, but I hope that I have some of her other characteristics as well.  She encouraged my love of music, even teaching my sister and me after we rode our bikes to her house, carrying Lloys Jean's violin and my viola. I sat on the floor in Libby’s office when I was a college student, reading the drafts of her books.  I called her when my heart was broken as a graduate student, crying my eyes out, and she provided my grounding.  She is my example of a Renaissance woman, always looking for more challenges, for more to learn.
          The oldest of my aunts, Grace, has been gone for more than thirty years.  I could talk about her fantastic piano playing, about her smile, about her laugh, but those things are not what made the most impact on me.  Her last years are what I think of, as they were full of grace and courage.  She faced first breast cancer, then the spread of the cancer into her bones and liver.  She still smiled and laughed, not focusing on herself or her illness. I was expecting my first baby during her last months here on earth.  We once sat next to each other for dinner at Gram’s.  First she would leave the table to throw up, a result of her illness, then I would leave the table to do the same, but mine was because of my pregnancy.  Her nausea was a precursor of death while mine was a symbol of life. I learned how to face death with courage from Grace.
          Five women, five aunts, some shared characteristics, some very distinctive characteristics.  They have each played a different role in my life.  I cannot measure their impact on me.   I celebrate aunts, mine in particular!

                                                            ~~Faith Himes Lamb


Monday, July 1, 2013

The Heart of the Issue

“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” ― C.S. Lewis
I had messed up, and surprise of all surprises, my offense was perpetrated by my mouth.  My heart was truly in the right place, but my mouth just runneth over.  You may wonder, and rightly so, that if my heart was in the right place, how then, did I offend with my mouth?  Well, sometimes (more often than I like to admit) good intended words, are not thought-out words.  I am the world’s worst for telling people too much information and for digging too deep into their business.  I forget that some people are not complete open books, and flat out do not want to be known thoroughly within the span of a 2-minute conversation.
This though, is not what God has laid on my heart to write about.  It is my REACTION to my mess up that deserves a more critical investigation. You see, I was up all night over it. My angst over my sin came in three spheres.  First, I was concerned that I had hurt this person in some way, offended them or caused them some embarrassment over being questioned so deeply by a complete stranger. This then, lead to condemning myself repeatedly for my impulsive nature and just flat out hating my words and lack of control in this area!!  Just beyond all reason and logic, I was ill with myself.  I mean, how could I?  Am I not studying deeply the book of Proverbs which has much to say on words…Do I not know that where words are many sins are present (Proverbs 10:19), and why then, do I not learn?  Why did I mess up?  Why did I not apply the truth I know, and even teach?  Why, oh why, did I sin?  (Judging by your reaction to my self-recrimination would probably reveal quite a bit about you too; if you are thinking, “Well yeah, Dummy,” this article may be for you J)…  Finally, and this is the kicker, and the most embarrassing part of my torment; I was SO concerned about what this person thought about me, because it is imperative that all must think I am really great, don’t you know…
While it was correct and right to be concerned about offending a brother or sister in Christ; ALL the other stuff was Satan taking me on a merry game of ME.  Think about it… I was upset that I sinned because I knew better!! That is flat out PRIDE.  There is nothing pretty about that.  What, am I above sinning?  Do I never mess up?  What a joke!!!  I still need Jesus as much now as I did during my reckless youth.  As a matter of fact, you could the make the case that I need Him more now.  Scripture says; our flesh continues to deteriorate.  In Ephesians 5:22 we are admonished to lay aside our old flesh “that is being corrupted."  Our flesh continues to be corrupted.  It goes from yuck to super yuck.  That is encouraging, isn’t it?  J
Anyway, back to my soul-bearing; it is quite obvious that worrying over what this person thought was of course, absolutely PRIDE, as well. If I try to present an image of having it all together it is a lie. Guess what everyone?  I mess up.  I still sin. I do really stupid things, and do you know I struggle with being self-focused every SINGLE day?… Bill Stafford used to say, “6 minutes away from Jesus, and there is no telling what I might do."  That is me.  Any true Christ-likeness in my life is, and ALWAYS WILL BE, because I have died to myself.  Christ is what is good in me; never me.   I have a heart of flesh that wants to walk with Him; but I have nothing to do with that, it was given to me.  Anyone who knows me will know this. Yes, I yearn to please my Lord, but sometimes the Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
So what can we learn from this?  Think with me on this:  If we go overboard berating ourselves; are we not thinking too highly of ourselves?  I believe Satan, in his parading as an angel of light, provides us with the deceptive thought of “Oh, we just hate to disappoint God” when in actuality we may just hate to fail.  Sometimes, the real truth is much deeper than the surface….. Let God, by His Word and through His spirit show you, who you are, and what is truly motivating you, so that you may repent and come clean of the real issues. 

Sarah Beasley